This is me! And this is my first blog post. Kinda crazy, right? It feels odd starting a blog in 2024, but apparently, people still do this.
Hi, I’m John. Welcome to John’s Wealth Journey. If you choose to follow along, you’ll see complete honesty and vulnerability when it comes to making money. Let’s face it—money isn’t always easy to talk about. It’s one of the reasons I started this blog. You can’t always have deep conversations about money with friends or family without staying at the surface level. My goal is to help normalize these conversations or at least provide you a space where we can talk openly about money goals and ideas.
Let me be clear: I am not an expert… not even close. That’s actually the whole point. I’m just like you. I have debt, I pay rent, I live in my parents’ basement, and I eat way too much Ben & Jerry’s. This isn’t a blog where I teach you how to get rich or brag about investments and assets. No. This is a place where I share my ups and downs, fears, failures, and what I’ve learned along the way. It’s a place where we can learn together, where I’ll occasionally share quotes from books I’m reading and where hopefully, we’ll both pick up some lessons along the way.
I’m no writer, and I’m certainly no financial advisor. But I hold myself to a higher standard than most. Sure, I have a steady job, and sure, I’m comfortable—but I’m not done. Not even close. I have dreams and ambitions, but fear has held me back for too long. I’ve thought long and hard about too many things without taking action. A blog, for example, is something I’ve wanted to do for years.
So, reader, I challenge you: do the thing you’re scared of doing. Take that risk. Who knows if it’s worth it? I sure don’t! Hell, I’m sitting here in my makeshift office writing to no one. I don’t even know if this website will reach anyone. But if you’re reading this, it means it was worth it, right? What matters is that we’re doing it. Because what else would we be doing? Dreaming about it?
Join me as we take the step. Be the change.